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We all need a sounding board sometimes

Seeing things from a different perspective

Sometimes just saying things out loud can help us to see things differently. Saying them to another person prompts us to consider that person’s point of view of the situation as well, which gives us new ways of thinking about your problem.

Keeping a diary or journal is another way to do this. In some cases, writing things down can provide a new platform to work out things in a way that helps you approach something with a different mindset.

Working out frustrations

Internalising emotions can have a negative effect on your physical and mental health, so we are all better off talking them out where and when we feel most comfortable. Finding the right person to talk to and talking out any issues or concerns can be a cleansing experience for a lot of us. We feel relief (and probably a little drained) to get everything off our chest that’s been bothering us.

Confronting our feelings

This is actually a really big part of self-care and being able to face our feelings and how certain things make us feel can be quite confrontational so there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting someone there to help you through it. Being able to sit in a safe space and process our feelings of guilt, remorse, grief or sadness can also give us that sense of relief and the ability to move on from them.

By having someone there to sit down with you are committing to spending some of your time, meaning that you can’t put it off and you’ll feel less distracted when you go through this process.

Feeling less alone

Sometimes we feel like we are unable to share how we feel with the people in our lives. We feel like we don’t want to add to their problems or come across as needy. This can cause us to feel isolated and disconnected.

By finding someone who doesn’t know the same people or is a complete stranger can make us feel like they won’t judge us and help us to feel more comfortable talking about our problems.

Find it easier to cope with everyday life

Going through the cathartic experience of talking through your concerns can help you feel more mentally prepared for your everyday life. Having someone you can rely on to talk to creates new habits and leads to positive changes and lifts your mood.

If this has been helpful and you think you might like to give talking to someone a go call us today:

TeamTALK on 1800 832 600

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NT Mental Health Line

Ph: 1800 682 288


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Ph: 1300 659 467


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