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Mental Health Literacy & Promotion

TeamHEALTH is committed to supporting mental health literacy and promotion and reducing stigma associated with mental illness.

Information/Education Sessions
Our teams have some capacity to provide sessions in your school or organisation with the aim of providing mental health education and enhancing mental health literacy.

In-service Sessions
TeamHEALTH staff can offer an in-service session, attending your site to share about referral pathways into our services with your staff, participants or students.

Community Events
TeamHEALTH are available to support your agency, school or organisation with mental health, aged care or disability related events. Our team can also support with attendance at events such as health expos or community events, for example by hosting a booth or stall or funding sponsorships.

To enquire further please contact our Communications Coordinator at

Resilient Children Mental Health Awareness Program (RC-MHAP)

RC-MHAP is a program for children (aged 8-12) developed by and delivered in collaboration with Mind Blank Ltd. Across 10 sessions, kids will use role-play, performing arts and local storytelling to build knowledge and skills around mental health.

We are currently delivering RC-MHAP across schools in the Big Rivers region. Get in touch with us if you are interested in getting your school involved.

Do you need emergency help?

NT Mental Health Line

Ph: 1800 682 288


Ph: 13 11 14

Emergency Services

Ph: 000

Kids Helpline

Ph: 1800 55 1800

Suicide Call Back Service

Ph: 1300 659 467


Ph: 1800 650 890